This program focuses coaching people who are looking to or have already established their own event company. Together with one of our professionals, we aim to guide you in the best way possible to either start your own business (assessing risks & benefits), or improve your company's operations and efficiency, and help you create a sustainable business model when launching an event company. Topics such as marketing, budgeting, logistics and location are all covered during these two 45 minute sessions.

During these sessions, we will:

  • Assess the market with you

  • Teach you how to run a sustainable events business

  • Help you solve your problems and make the most of your opportunities

  • Network you with other event industry entrepreneurs


This two-part coaching session focuses on mapping out your own experiences, and understanding your goals, to eventually lead you to your best-fit role. Over two 45 minute sessions, we will draw your career path, assess starting positions and show you the ladder of opportunities that may follow, while taking into account the financial aspect of each post. We will also give you advice about future possibilities, and support you landing the right job through helping you optimize your Linkedin profile, CV and cover letter.

During these sessions, we will:

  • Draw your clear career path in the event sector

  • Upgrade your resume

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Give you tips and tricks for job applications

  • Connect you with our partnering companies

Price: €150

Sign up for your two 45 min coaching sessions!

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